IOT Security Testing

Experience Enhanced Growth of Your Business with Our IOT Security Testing Services

Living in an interconnected world that is dependent on the trust that is connected to the IoT (Internet of Things) devices that are used for both personal as well as business purposes, security of these devices is the essential issue to consider. IoT devices are getting attacked and hacked for their sensitive and confidential information, hence VAPT is devised to find any security flaws and risks earlier.

VAPT Testing India has the unique capacity to provide flexible IoT VAPT services that are made dependently on the client. We, a specialized team of experts in security, perform the security assessments for IoT devices' security posture, and networks and the eco-system.

Our VAPT IoT Security Testing services can reveal to you the confidential details as well as provide an exact prediction of the security deficiencies in your IoT infrastructure, letting you deal with them efficiently before a cyber attacker hits them.

Why Choose IoT Security Testing Services?
Nowadays, when everything in the world is interconnected, the Internet of Things (IoT) changed the way people relate to an emerging technology. Nowadays, smart homes constitute the main IoT devices, while industry-automated machines in our daily lives and management.
Why Choose VAPT Testing India for Your IoT Security Testing Services

At VAPT Testing India, it is us who have exclusive knowledge and skills, the latest practices, and drafted methods, and therefore, you have access to all comprehensive IoT security testing services that we customize to your specific needs.

Specialized Expertise
Specialized Expertise

Our IoT security testers team has extensive skills and knowledge on the Internet of Things security situation. We are aware of the difficulties which occur in IoT gadgets and their supporting environments. This knowledge helps us to determine the vulnerabilities and risks where our product is staying in the given setting.

Proven Methodologies
Proven Methodologies

We depend both on already proven methods and industry practices to provide an in-depth VAPT for IoT devices and networks. Whether from the segmented vulnerability at the device level to network configuration weakness - we do not stop in tending to the security defects in your IoT network.

Tailored Solutions
Tailored Solutions

We acknowledge that each organization bears specific security parameters and hurdles. Consequently, it is customary for us to provide individualized solutions that are created to win over your unique problems and concerns.

Comprehensive Reporting
Comprehensive Reporting

We achieve this by generating detailed reports detailing our findings and suggesting recommendations and how they can be applicable. We are strong on transparency and communication, in which you will know for sure what your IoT security level is and what is still the right thing to do.

Cost-Effective Solutions
Cost-Effective Solutions

We are well-versed in the issue of cost-effectiveness in a world underlined by a deep level of competition. And that's why we developed a solution for VAPT testing that has the best quality and is affordable at the same time. Our aim is to deliver outstanding value to our customer base through security-enhancement services which are cost-effective.

Customer Satisfaction
Customer Satisfaction

Our primary focus as we, VAPT Testing India is making our dear customers happy by their side. We are aspiring to meet and hopefully surpass the expectations of our customers by consistently delivering an exemplary degree of service, in an expectedly timely manner as well as giving personalized attention.

Our Range of IoT Security Testing Services
We at VAPT Testing India appreciate the sheer importance of holding the IoT (Internet of Things) device security and ecosystems in shielding them against ever-tortuous cyber threats. That's the reason we provide a contrasting set of IoT Security Testing services engineered to end up spotting the vulnerabilities.
The Tech Stack We Use

IoT security tests are something that lies in the right hands which can be through detecting vulnerability and building robust IoT ecosystems.

Penetration OWASP IoT Project
Penetration Nmap
Penetration IoT Inspector
Penetration Shodan
Penetration Firmware Analysis Toolkit (FAT)
Penetration Nmap (Network Mapper)
Penetration Burp Suite
The Process We Follow for IoT Security Testing Services

VAPT testing India realizes that to counter the unpredictable and emerging threats of IoT being as systemic and drawing to perfection the results are of utmost crucial. We use a process to procure weaknesses and detect risks together with your network and IoT device's protection against cyber-attacks.


The initial phase of our process is based on the perception of the size of your IoT situation and the objectives of the security assessment. We can execute your specific system and appliance assessment by learning types of network devices, applications, and security requirements to be protected from cyber attackers as well as developing your own policies and standards.

Asset Enumeration
Asset Enumeration

After performing a detailed definition of the scope, our team does an inventory of all IoT devices the solution is applicable to, in your environment. A proposed example would involve naming IoT devices, sensors, gateways, communication protocols, and cloud services that form your IoT infrastructure.

Vulnerability Assessment
Vulnerability Assessment

We do a threat analysis to identify vulnerabilities on IoT infrastructure, doing that we discover security gaps and weaknesses. This involves the use of robotic protocols, manual testing procedures, and assessment of the device configurations and bug-code.

Penetration Testing
Penetration Testing

Our team performs machine learning tests that are like the actual conditions of cyber-attacks to decide if your security controls are strong enough to protect your organization from breaches. To verify the adequacy of the organization's security defenses, our experienced testers will try to compromise exposed flaws to get unauthorized access to your connected devices, networks, or data sooner or later.

Risk Assessment and Mitigation
Risk Assessment and Mitigation

All this is based on results of the technical vulnerability assessment and penetration testing. So, we conduct a needs-based risk assessment prioritizing the signification security risks. We offer operational plans that will be implemented and provide resources for resolving those issues, with a strong emphasis on risk reduction, strengthening security measures, and trying to avoid adversary exploitation.

Reporting and Documentation
Reporting and Documentation

Finally, we do a final report with our conclusions, possible solutions and steps of remediation that must be taken. Our reports are tailored to your organization's needs and include executive summaries, technical details, and prioritized action plans.

Industries we cater to











Travel & Hospitality


Media & Entertainment



Let's discover what our clients say

IoT security is one of the topmost demanding areas of VAPT testing India. By having the world networking device environment at our disposal, our clients across different sectors enjoy top-notch security services.

Frequently Asked Questions
IoT security testing involves evaluating the security of the IoT devices, network systems, and eco-systems to seek out any weaknesses and steps to prevent security threats. Such devices suffer from poor security, thus vulnerable to cyber-attacks and leakage of private information.
Through VAPT Testing India, one stands assured of the availability of knowledge and expertise needed to perform IoT device and ecosystem testing which is relevant to so many areas of application. Such IoT devices are integrated into the healthcare sector, industrial control systems and systems of smart cities, retail IoT solutions, energy and utility infrastructure, transportation systems, and others.
We leverage both techniques along with the latest technologies to carry out the IoT security assessment. This comprise of risk assessment approaches, penetration test procedures, firmware examination tools, net scanning devices, and specialized IoT security testing structure.